Our vacuum chambers are literally boxes, but our systems do not really fit inside one. We are currently outfitting this EvoVac physical vapor deposition (PVD) platform with all three major types of sources, including magnetron sputtering, thermal evaporation, and electron beam evaporation.
Is it a sputter system? Yes.
Is it a thermal evaporator? Yes.
Is it an e-beam evaporator? Yes.

It could also include Ion Beam deposition, and come equipped with other specialized sources as well. Our partners at Changchung University of Science and Technology needed these sources for their work in fundamental research and needed one system that could do it all. We said yes.

Even our smaller chamber-sized PVD platforms (Nexdep and Amod) can be outfitted with multiple source types, and all can be outfitted with the process enhancements we have refined, including roll to roll fixturing, stages that heat, cool, and change angle, full system automation (including masks and substrate transfers within separate load lock antechambers) via Aeres, and quite a bit more.
Wondering if we can create the specific thin film system you have in mind? In all probability, the answer will be yes.