Josephson Junctions

The Josephson effect is observed in a Josephson Junction, and describes the flow of a supercurrent between two superconducting electrodes across a non-superconducting gap. These devices are used by researchers to utilize quantum control towards progress in quantum computing, novel sensing devices, as well as fundamental physics.

Thin Film Deposition For Superconducting Circuits

Josephson Junctions form the heart of the superconducting qubit, a leading candidate for the creation of fault-tolerant quantum computation. The non-linear inductance of the Josephson Junction creates an anharmonicity in its energy level spectrum. This allows a quantum mechanical basis (1 or 0) to be established between discrete energy levels, which is essential for forming a quantum bit or qubit. Josephson Junctions can also be used as a means to detect extremely small magnetic fields, up to 1016 times less than that generated from a refrigerator magnet.

These superconducting quantum interference devices, or SQUIDS, have applications in the detection of neural activity in the brain, scientific characterization of materials, and next-generation ultra-low field MRI scanners.

SEM Image courtesy of the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) at the University of Waterloo.


This device can be created with a wide range of superconducting materials, but aluminum is a common choice among researchers due to the relative ease of creating a high-quality oxide with it, as well as its relatively low melting point (660 °C), making it versatile. What follows are key considerations for the equipment that will build your Josephson Junctions.

Variable Angle Stage

Precisely angling the substrate in relation to the deposition plume is essential in the creation of Josephson Junctions. The figure below illustrates one method of creating the devices.

The tilt angle on Angstrom’s variable angle stage has better than 0.1° angular repeatability. Substrate heating and cooling can both be integrated into the stage functionality. Angle, stage rotation, and stage temperature are controlled via recipe-based user inputs from our Aeres® software package. Simply enter desired values, press start, and return to find your completed Josephson Junctions.

Josephson Junction Fabrication

Your system will be based on the type of junctions you plan to create as well as your specific throughput, material, and infrastructure requirements.

Our partners are creating Josephson Junctions on systems of different sizes and designs, but all have a few things in common: at least one load lock for isolated oxidization, a deposition chamber, a variable angle stage, e-beam or sputter sources specific to their needs, and all the thin film experience and service support that Angstrom Engineering® brings to bear.

Advanced Process Control Software

  • PC/PLC-controlled recipes for single, batch, or automated processes.
  • Advanced data logging and process tracking ensure consistent and repeatable processes.
  • High-resolution control provides impressive low-rate stability and consistent doping ratios.
  • The central control station manages each module and schedules the processes in each chamber.
  • Independent control of multiple chambers (if applicable).
  • Complex recipes can be created and modified easily.
  • Automatic PID control loop tuning significantly reduces process development time.
alt = A screenshot of Angstrom Engineering's AERES software on a monitor. The software is showing a detailed dashboard with charts, graphs, and data for monitoring and controlling thin film deposition processes. The layout has side navigation with equipment status icons and a central graph with real-time data. The interface is designed for precise control and analysis in advanced engineering applications for Angstrom Engineering’s systems.

Learn more about Aeres®.

” It has been a pleasure for us at Hebrew University to do business with Angstrom Engineering®: young people, fully motivated and providing first-class service. Angstrom was selected after a tight purchase process among several known companies. The process involved many interactions and demonstrations on real, complex samples. Their performance and attitude during the whole process was flawless.  Our Quantum Series® Evaporator was just installed, and now our researchers have the right tool for our work.”

Dr.Shimon Eliav 
Hebrew University of Jerusalem