Angstrom How-To Videos Launch

Providing our customers with legendary service is the heart of Angstrom Engineering’s philosophy. When you purchase a thin film system from us, you become our partner, and it is a relationship we take very seriously. Our partners continue to tell us that the reason they are so loyal and excited to purchase from us is because we never leave them hanging without the support they need, and go above and beyond what it expected.

Whether it’s honoring a warranty beyond expectation, providing added, time-intensive advice for specific process or material questions, or overnighting a package that will keep system downtime to an absolute minimum, our entire team is focused on doing absolutely everything possible for you, our partners. We even have a guarantee to respond to any questions or support requests within 24 hours, and we have heard from our partners many times that this has been essential to their success.

It is this philosophy that brings you our latest video series, entitled ‘Angstrom How-To’. We want to make it easy for you to perform common maintenance tasks that will ensure your lab equipment will have as little downtime as possible. While we introduce you to this video series with just three videos (Sputter Cathode Maintenance, Gauge cleaning, and rough pump oil change), it will grow to represent many of the most common questions and maintenance tasks our partners come across.

These videos will never replace a live expert who can answer questions and guide you through the steps in real-time, so we encourage you to give us a call any time if you would prefer that, but they will provide an immediate resource for you when and if you need them. We hope you find them beneficial.

You can find them here on our Angstrom How-To Page

Or here, on our YouTube Channel Page