Angstrom Partners Did Incredible Things In 2017

Partner & Industry News

2017 was an fantastic year for us at Angstrom Engineering. We delivered a record number of thin film deposition systems to our partners, and are becoming increasingly excited about the technological progress their creative innovation will allow. With so many projects that have far-reaching implications to choose from, we have put together a short list of just some of the amazing accomplishments that our partners have had, and worked toward this year:

Dr. Zhenan Bao continued to impress with her accomplishments in 2017. This article describes her work towards bringing the sense of touch back to those who have lost a limb.

Dr. Trisha Andrew has a passion for making the clothes we wear multi-functional, from electrically warmed winter gloves to textiles that convert body movement into usable energy.

We have many partners working on fundamental science as well. Dr. Malte Gather at the University of St. Andrews helped use light-emitting and stable transistors to achieve strong light-matter coupling. Several people at Angstrom even know what that means!

Dr. Richard Lunt and his colleagues are working to revolutionize how we harvest energy from the sun, and build sustainable cities. Transparent solar is coming, and it could change how we look out on the world.

This article features our partners at the Columbia Nano Initiative, where a multi-user cleanroom facility houses the ‘Angstrom’, a system apparently accompanied by ‘screams of joy’ from its users.

Biomimicry comes into play for a good number of our partners. In this case, Dr. Max Shtein had the electric eel as a source of inspiration for safe, implantable human-electronics interfaces.

Dr. Mirica and her team from Dartmouth created fabric capable of detecting toxic gases in the surrounding atmosphere, and actively warn its wearer. The potential for military and emergency service personnel is obvious, and is just the beginning of what the tech framework can do.

John Hart from MIT helped create a 3D printer that is 10X faster than anything on the market. While not specifically related to his work requiring thin film deposition, this is still very cool, and a good example of the brilliant people we get to work with on a regular basis.

Perovskite is everywhere. Many are betting on it to usher in a solar revolution, and others are tapping it for other uses. So many of our partners are studying and publishing perovskite’s powers. Click here to see what several of them are up to with perovskite.